Artisans behind the Sisal Collection
Our sisal collection is made by the wonderful Tintsaba project in eSwatini (formerly Swaziland). With a passion for excellence and respect for the earth, the remarkable women of Tintsaba create beautiful handmade products centred around the use of sisal, a sustainable weed which grows naturally there.
Tintsaba was founded by the late Sheila Freemantle in 1985, her vision was to work with the rural women using a holistic approach. Training included women's health, leadership, environmental awareness as well as design. The organisation has grown over the years to 33 rural groups, collectively over 800 women.
Tintsaba was among the first enterprises in eSwatini to become Fair Trade certified and were one of three organisations that Annig engaged with during her research into the impact of Fair Trade certification for her MA thesis in International Development. They have become renowned worldwide for their refined sisal basketry technique and quality jewellery making.