An adventure to the Lencios Maranhenses
About 10 years ago, a friend told of this place in Brazil that had 100 km of white sand dunes with fresh water lakes between them, since then it's been a dream of mine to see this incredible natural phenomenon.
When I realised it was relatively close to Fortaleza where I was being taken to work with artisans (what looked like a short distance on the map was 1000kms!), the time had come.
Travelling along the coast over three days to get there, much of it needing 4 wheel drive and many ferries, it was a good view of the northern part of the country, getting to know the people, available resources, and improving my Portuguese! Exploring Jericoacoara and the Parnaiba delta before arriving to Barreirinhas, the gateway to the Lencois national park.
The first day it took my breath away, walking alone for miles into the dunes, with lots of swims in the delicious fresh water. Over the next few days I joined groups visiting different areas, surprised to be the only foreigner amongst Brazilian tourists. Then flew back to start work in a Cessna!